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[강릉아메리칸코너] Let’s Talk Diplomacy(6월) 프로그램 참가자모집

Let’s Talk Diplomacy(6월) 프로그램 참가자 모집 

강릉아메리칸코너 Let’s Talk Diplomacy 프로그램:

미국인 연사가 영어로 강연 후 질의 응답하는 시간을 가지며, 미국 사회, 문화, 외교 등에 대한 다양한 주제로, 

참가자들과 대화형 토론을 하고, 리더십을 발휘할 수 있는 기회를 가집니다. 

강릉아메리칸코너에서 대면으로 진행되는 프로그램에  많은 관심 바랍니다.

 □ 일시 및 프로그램명:

 1. 2023. 6. 22.(목) 15:00~17:00 Pop Culture Diplomacy: Bridging Nations

 2. 2023. 6. 29.(목) 15:00~17:00 Artistic Visions: Converging Cultural Landscapes


 □ 연사: Roberto Hernandez(U.S. Embassy Grantee) 

 □ 대상: 관심 있는 분(고등학생이상) 

 □ 내용:

  1. Pop Culture Diplomacy: Bridging Nations                                           Join us as we uncover the influence of popular culture and the arts in forging diplomatic relations between the United States and Korea. Explore the impact of Popular culture, TV and Movies in building cultural understanding and diplomatic ties. Through engaging conversations, we delve into the transformative role of popular culture as a tool in diplomacy. Discuss how we can get know each other better through pop culture.(대중문화 외교) 

  2. Artistic Visions: Converging Cultural Landscapes                                  Embark on a captivating journey as we examine artistic trends and expressions that shape the cultural landscapes of Korea, the United States and beyond. How does artistic expression build ties between countries? How does collaboration make us closer as people and nations? Explore through conversation how art makes the world a smaller place.(예술적 비전)


 □ 장소: 강릉아메리칸코너(율곡로 2923-12 모루도서관 2층)  

     [RSVP] 사전참가신청 필수 

     아래 링크를 통해 참가 신청하신 분들께는 참가 방법을 이메일 및 문자로 안내해드립니다.

 ◆ 신청: https://bit.ly/GangneungRSVP  

 ◆ 유의사항:

     -  사전참가신청 필수(무료접수)

     -  연사 강연 및 질의응답이 영어로 진행됩니다.

 □ 문의: 강릉아메리칸코너 (모루도서관 2층) 033) 660-3258, 


 □ 후원: 주한미국대사관 공공외교과